PICkit 3 microchip PIC programmer loader burner PIC KIT for PIC12 PIC16 PIC18
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PICkit 3 microchip PIC programmer loader burner PIC KIT for PIC12 PIC16 PIC18

Rs: 4500 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit Pk
Product SKU: CKT-0180

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  • Full-speed USB support using Windows standard drivers.
  • Real-time execution.
  • Processors run at maximum speeds.
  • Built-in over-voltage/short circuit monitor.
  • Low voltage to 5V (1.8-5V range).
  • Diagnostic LEDs (power, active, status).
  • Read/write program and data memory of the microcontroller.
  • Erase of all memory types (EEPROM, ID, configuration, and program) with verification.
  • Peripheral freeze at the breakpoint.


The PICkit 3 programmer in Pakistan is a simple, low-cost in-circuit debugger controlled by a PC running MPLAB IDE. According to PICkit 3 pinout diagram, in-circuit logic is used by the PICkit3 Microchip In-Circuit Debugger / programmer in order to have a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer, debugging built into each chip with ash memory is the 3.5 upgrade package, the best option after the upgrade benefits. Application include code dumping in the production process, flashing or firmware update, program and debug PIC Microcontrollers. Here, at the circuit.pk, you can find best possible PICkit 3 price in Pakistan. 


Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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