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DS1307 RTC Module with cell and Serial I2C EEPROM

Rs: 350 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit Pk
Product SKU: CKT-0118

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  • Two wire I2C interface.
  • 1Hz output pin.
  • Available in 8-pin DIP or SOIC
  • Day Month, Date – Year.
  • Supply 5V DC
  • Low Power Operation Extends Battery Backup Run Time


This arduino real time clock module has a DS1307, a battery attachment and three draw up resistors. DS1307 real time clock utilizes I2C convention to speak with outer I2C ace (arduino board, PIC, AVR and so on.). The SQW/OUT stick of DS1307 is bankrupt out by means of a 3-stick interlock connecter. A 4-stick connector facilitates the wiring to an Arduino Sensor Shield. Client could take them off barricade if those draw resistors have just been executed elsewhere off the module. Along with the DS1307 real-time clock, the arduino rtc module also has an Atmel 24C32 EEPROM chip which is handy for storing data without worrying about power loss. There is also space on the board to solder your own DS18B20 temperature sensor.


Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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