ESP8266 wemos D1 Mini
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ESP8266 wemos D1 Mini

Rs: 850 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit Pk
Product SKU: CKT-0154

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  • Flash: 16MB
  • Clock Speed: 80MHz/160MHz
  • Analogue Pins: 1 (Max input 3.2V)
  • Digital I/O Pins: 11


The WeMos D1 min PRO is a small remote 802.11 (Wifi) microcontroller advancement board. It transforms the well-known ESP8266 remote microcontroller module into a completely fledged improvement board. Programming the D1 small scale expert is as straightforward as programming some other Arduino based microcontroller as the module incorporates an implicit microUSB interface enabling the module to be customized legitimately from the Arduino IDE (requires the ESP8266 backing to be included by means of board chief) with no extra equipment.

The D1 small scale Pro is likewise intended to enable Wemos compatible shields to be connected into the board in a similar manner to the Arduino advancement board stage which extraordinarily extends its abilities. There is now a huge scope of perfect shields accessible and can likewise be acquired by means of our site. Included with the module is a lot of headers (requires patching) that permit these shield to be effectively included or expelled from the D1 scaled down PRO.


Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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