IOT Starter Kit Nodemcu Starter Kit In Pakistan
1 ESP8266 WI-FI Nodemcu board 1
2 Micro USB cable 1
3 I2C 1602 LCD Display Screen 1
4 SG90 Servo Engine 1
5 DHT11 Temp & Humi Sensor module 1
6 2 Relay module 1
7 Stepper motors bridge 1
8 potentiometer (10 k variable resistor) 3
9 buzzer 1
10 LDR Module 4 PIN 3
11 Infrared receiver (VS1838B) 1
12 Infrared remote control 1
13 LED (6x white, 6X red, 6x Yellow, 6X green) 24
IOT Starter Kit Nodemcu Starter Kit In Pakistan
https://hallroad.org/iot-starter-kit-nodemcu-starter-kit-in-pakistan.html 3/7
14 push Buttons Caps 5
15 Resistors (20X 470ohm, 20x 10k, 20x 1Kohm, 1Mohm) 65
16 Jump pins wire M to M 1
17 Jump pins M to F 1
18 Jump pins F to F 1
19 Bread board MB102 1
20 plastic box 1