DE-LIDAR TF02 (ToF) Laser Range finder (22m) Time of Flight Sensor in Pakistan
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DELIDAR TF02 ToF Laser Range finder 22m Time of Flight Sensor in Pakistan

Rs: 26250 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit pk
Product SKU: CKT-1444

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DE-LIDAR TF02 is a range-finder based on the widespread application experience of TF01. It is a unidirectional laser rangefinder based on ToF (Time of Flight) technology. It is comprised of particular optical and electrical devices that makes it stable, high sensitivity and high precision. This is a distance measurement method that measures the time that it takes for an object. The distance value between object and sensor is easy to get by calculating the time difference or phase difference between emission and reaction, so does the in-depth information. LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging and is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable distances) to the Earth

1. High sensitivity, and able to measure as far as 22 meters

2. High-speed measurement with a maximum sampling frequency of 100Hz

3. Excellent anti-ambient light usability (operable under 100kLux ambient light)

4. Protection Grade reaches IP65

5. Anti-corrosive against pesticide

Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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