5mm 940nm Infrared Transmitter and Receiver Diode IR LED Diode Tx Rx Pair Photodiode LED Lamp
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5mm 940nm Infrared Transmitter and Receiver Diode IR LED Diode Tx Rx Pair Photodiode LED Lamp

Rs: 49 /- PKR
Availability: 1
Brand: Circuit Pk
Product SKU: CKT-0248

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  • IR TX RX size: 5mm diameter package
  • IR LED wavelength: 940nm
  • Forward current (IF) is 100mA (normal condition) and 300mA (max.)
  • 1.24v to 1.4v of forward voltage
  • Viewing angle is 30 to 40 degree


High quality IR TX and RX pair that is widely used in various obstacles detectors, visitor-counters, line-followers, DIY projects and other electronics appliances.

Super Administrator 29/07/2015

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